StroyEkspois a traditional exhibition that took place on the territory of BelExpointhe 19th time. On March 22- 25 at the address: 27 Kupala str., Minsk those who wish acquainted with the latest proposals of the construction market and innovation engineering solutions. Officeton could not miss such event and arranged the stand representing Edding special markers.
Edding is one of the most popular brand of German markers in the world. The manufacturer offers unique solutions for industrial conditions by manufacturing a series of special markers that can be used on rusty, dusty structures, red-hot parts, objects under water, automobile tires and glass, hard to reach places for cable laying… In short, Edding ensures high-quality labeling in the industrial sphere of everything that requires this.
In Belarus a series of Edding special markers is not so popular and it became one of the reasons why Officetone being an exclusive distributor of Edding in Belarus arranged a presentation stand at StroyEkspo. Our expertstook a fundamental approach by creating a visual presentation stand that demonstrated all advantages of the line of special markers from the German company.
The stand attracted the majority of the visitors: the fact is that all the stands of StroyEkspo are divided by activity areas from construction to design solutions, and only Edding stand from Officeton relates to each category representing goods required in all production branches.
Visitors of StroyEkspo appreciated products presentedby observing what Edding markers can in reality. In order to secure the effect our colleagues showing the presentation provided promotional sets with interesting models of markers, catalogue and pleasant souvenir. Besides the visual expression of the presentation, Officeton provided maximum media support: Anastasiya Mikhalenko, an official representative ofEdding in Russia and Belarus, always presented at the exhibition and gave answers to all questions of visitors. Anastasiya highly appreciated the professionalism of employees of Officeton responsible for goods presentation and highlighted the availability achieved for each visitor of StroyEkspo.